Personal Information

Nationality        Kenyan

Profession:      Medical doctor

Specialization:   Internal Medicine, Tropical Diseases Control

Current address:

Kenya Medical Research Institute

Center for Clinical Research

 P. O. Box 20778 Nairobi

 Tel: 254 2 726464

 Fax: 254 2 720030

 E-mail - [email protected]


1983-1988:        Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degree. (M.B.ch.B.)     

College of Health Sciences, University Of Nairobi.

  1991-1995:      Master of  Medicine (M. Med) in internal  Medicine.

Department of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University Of Nairobi.

1995:                Certificate in Tropical Medicine (C.T.M.)

College of Health Sciences, University Of Nairobi

  1999- 2000:     Master of Science in Disease Control (MDC)                                   

                        Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp Belgium.


  Aug 1988- Aug 1989:  Armed Forces Memorial Hospital

                                    Designation - House Officer.

Sept 1989 -Jan 1990:    Kiambu District Hospital

Designation - Medical Officer.

  Feb 1990 - Aug 1991: Kenya Medical Research Institute

Designation: Assistant research officer

Department: Center for Biotechnology and development (CBRD)

  Sept 1991-Aug 1995    Kenyatta National hospital

(Secondment)             Designation:             Registrar

Department: Internal Medicine wards

  Sept 1995 to date       Kenya Medical Research Institute

Designation: Research officer

Department: Center for clinical Research


  Member of Kenya Medical Association & Kenya Association of Physicians.


I have been involved in the following clinical & field based studies: 


Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis with Liposomal Ampotericin B - Open label dose ranging clinical study.   

Cray fish as a biological control method of Schistosomal Haematobium infections in Kenya.

Serum free medium for culture of Leishmania promastigotes.

Comparative efficacy of Diethylcarbamazine (DEC), Albendazole and a combination of both in the treatment of multiple helminthic infections in Kwale Distric, Kenya.

A double blind placebo controlled comparison of the efficacy and safety of Viron -50 and Alferon in the treatment of asymptomatic HIV infected individuals in Kenya.


PI- Epidemiological aspects of visceral leishmanias in Baringo District, Kenya.  

Co-PI : Dose range determination of oral Sitamaquine for efficacy, safety and tolerance in patients with Visceral Leishmaniasis.



May 20-24 2001

Second world congress on Leishmaniasis, Crete, Greece

Dec 1999, Antwerp, Belgium  

International conference on Tuberculosis, the millennium bug.

Nov 1999, Amsterdam, Holland

International conference on increasing access to essential drugs in a globilized economy.

Apr 1998, Arusha, Tanzania 

19th African Health Scientific conference. Presented a paper entitled" Serum free media for culture of Leishmania promastigotes".

FEB 1996, Nairobi Kenya 

17th African health sciences conference


  1998 July 27- 30 Harare, Zimbabwe

World Health Organization funded workshop on Rickettsial diseases of African importance held at the Biomedical Research and Training Institute.

1996 Dec 1st - 12th, Dhaka, Bangladesh

International Workshop on Clinical Research Methodologies held at ICDDR,B. Awarded a certificate of participation.        

2001 April 25-26,  Nairobi Kenya.

WHO training workshop on good laboratory practices

2001 September 17-18

Walter Reed Army Institute workshop on Good Clinical practice


Thesis presentations:

1995    "Serum free medium for culture of Leishmania promastigotes"

Thesis submitted for partial fulfillment for the award of a master of medicine in internal Medicine (M.Med), at the university of Nairobi.

2000    "Visceral leishmaniasis control in Baringo district, Kenya"

Thesis submitted for partial fulfillment for the award of a master of science in disease control (MDC), at Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp Belgium.


Gerald Mkoji, Benjamin M, Jimmy K, Josephat Y, Mbui J, Rashid R.Impact of Cray Fish Procambuus Clarkii on Schistosomal Haematobium in Kenya. Am J trop Med Hyg Nov 1999;61(6)751-3.

Mbui J, Martin S, Bhatt M, Wasunna M. Serum free medium for culture of Leishmania Promastigotes. E Afr Med J June 1999;76(6) 358-9.

Mcligeyo S, Mbui J, Amayo J, . Fibrosarcoma of the lung with extrapulmonary manifestations: case report. East African Medical journal Jul 1995, 72(7) 465-467.

Nyakundi PM, Gachihi G, Rashid JR, Wasunna KM, Ocholla JJ, Mbui J, Kirigi G, Mbugua. Problems in the treatment of Kalaa-zar E. African Med. J. Case report. 72(6) 406-408. 1999;61(6)751-3.

Njenga S. M., Gatika S. M., Mbui J., Lammie P. J., Wamae C. N.Comparative efficacy of diethylcarbamazine, albendazole and a combination of these drugs for the clearance of multiple helminth infections in Muhaka, Kwale District, Kenya. Abstract # 27, In: Workshop Report on Lymphatic Filariasis Research and Control in Africa, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana, November 15 - 19, 1999 (abstract).

Wasunna M,Lodenyo H, Mbui J, Rashid J,Nyakundi P, Kirigi G, (2001) Treatment of an HIV positive patient with oral Sitamaquine. The second world congress on Leishmaniosis, Crete Greece. Abstract no.136.

Wasunna M, Lodenyo H, Mbui J, Rashid J, Nyakundi P, Kirigi G, Kinoti G, Kimutai R, Mucee G. (2001) Sitamaquine (SB-252220, WR 6026) in oral treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. The second world congress on Leishmaniosis, Crete Greece. Abstract no. 125.


Mbui J, Prospects  for visceral leishmaniasis control in Kenya.

Mbui J, Rashid J, Lodenyo H, Nyakundi P, Kirigi G, Kinoti G, Wasunna Visceral leishmaniasis  associated with Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis.

Wasunna M, Lodenyo H, Mbui J, Rashid J,  Nyakundi P, Kirigi G, Kinoti G, Lipid Associated Amphotericn B (AmBisome) is effecive in the treatment of Kenya visceral Leishmaniasis .

Lodenyo H, Mbui J, Rashid J,  Nyakundi P, Kirigi G, Kinoti G, Wasunna The ECG tracings before, during and after treatment with AmBisome in patients with Kenya Visceral Leishmaniasis.