P.O. Box 30137

Nairobi, Kenya

254 2 713689



    Ph.D., Medical Zoology, 2001.  Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD

    M.S., Environmental Biology, 1988-91.  Hood College, Frederick, MD

    B.S., Biology, 1978-82.  Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA


    Department of Defense Aerial Application of Pesticides Course, Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base,

          OH.  1988


    American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

    Entomological Society of America

    American Mosquito Control Association


 Nov 01 - Present:

Research Entomologist, U. S. Army Medical Research Unit - Kenya, Kenya Medical Research Institute, "Walter Reed Project," Nairobi, Kenya.  Coordinate, direct and conduct field research on arthropod-borne diseases of military and public health importance.  Major projects include investigation of the entomological aspects of malaria transmission in Western Kenya, determination of Aedes mosquito ecology as it relates to dengue transmission in Coastal Kenya, and the evaluation of surveillance devices and control methods for dengue vectors.

 Aug 98 – Oct 01:

Graduate Student, Division of Tropical Public Health, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD  20814.

Obtained a Ph.D. in Medical Zoology with emphasis in vector biology.  Core course work included advanced courses in epidemiology and biostatistics.  Specialty specific courses included courses in arbovirology, malariology, biosytematics, acarology, insect physiology, parasitology, and on sand flies.  Original research (dissertation) investigated the potential for two newly invasive mosquito species, Ochlerotatus j. japonicus and Aedes albopictus, to change the field ecology of arboviruses of human health importance in the eastern United States.

 Jul 96 – Jul 98:

Research Entomologist, Virology Division, U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, MD  21702.

Coordinated, directed and conducted research on arthropod-borne viral diseases of military importance including biological warfare threats, or viruses that require special biosafety containment.  Developed and carried out research plans and protocols for risk assessment of recognized or emerging arboviral diseases in geographic areas of military interest.  Conducted collaborative field research programs with scientists at other DOD laboratories.  Coordinated with other Army laboratories on safety assessments for arboviral vaccines.  Served as task manager in clinical trials involving evaluation of the potential for mosquito-borne transmission of dengue vaccine candidates.  Prepared technical reports and scientific manuscripts for publication in peer-review journals.

 Jul 94 - Jun 96:

Commander, 714th Medical Detachment, 55th Medical Group, 44th Medical Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC  28307.

Commanded a Preventive Medicine Unit that provides support and consultation in the areas of disease and non-battle injury prevention, filed sanitation, entomology, sanitary engineering, and epidemiology to minimize environmental injuries, enteric diseases, vector-borne diseases, and other health threats to XVIII Airborne Corps units.  Responsible for the health and welfare, readiness and training of nine enlisted soldiers and their families.  Planned, implemented, and led training to ensure the strictest standards of unit readiness and soldier fitness were met.  Served as the commandant of the XVIII Airborne Corps field sanitation team training course.

Dec 92 – Jun 94:

Medical Entomologist/Project Manager, Entomological Sciences Division, U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Activity-North, Building 4411, Fort Meade, MD 20755.

Responsible for performing entomological mission services for major army installations, depots, training centers, ammunition plants, and National Guard facilities in an 18-state region of the northeastern United States.  Planned, coordinated, and conducted services to include:  pest management program reviews, consultations, training, special studies, pest profiles, and risk assessments for arthropod-borne diseases.  Analyzed findings, prepared comprehensive reports and made recommendations for distribution to installations and MACOMs that ensure compliance state, federal, and DOD regulations.

 Oct 92 - Sep 92:

Commander, LA Detachment, 5th Preventive Medicine Unit, Unit #15247, APO AP 96205.

Responsible for Republic of Korea's (ROK) entomology mission involving all aspects of preventive medicine relating to insect, rodent, and associated disease surveillance and control.  Commanded one officer, eight noncommissioned officers, 16 junior enlisted soldiers, and two Korean soldiers to accomplish the MTOE mission.  Responsible for accomplishing the TDA mission throughout the ROK with the above personnel and two Korean civilian professional entomologists.  Coordinated and directed a surveillance program for the vectors of Japanese B encephalitis at military installations.  Served as medical entomologist on the Combined Joint Task Force Preventive Medicine Team during the field exercise Cobra Gold '92.  Responsible for the maintenance and operation of eight vehicles and 11 pieces of power equipment valued at over $150,000.  Also, served as the Unit Budget Officer with responsibility for a $957,843 annual budget.

 Jun 86 - Jun 91:

Research Entomologist, Military Disease Hazards Branch, Field Medical Material Development Division, U.S. Army Biomedical Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Detrick, MD  21702.

Served as Principal Investigator on all of the Branch's pest management equipment research, development, test and evaluation programs.  Developed concepts and drafted designs for a collapsible mosquito light trap, lightweight electric aerosol generator, and DC-powered hydraulic sprayer.  Supervised the fabrication of prototypes and established protocols for technical and user testing of the items.  Prepared documentation necessary for the acquisition of new equipment.  Conducted training on the use of the helicopter slung pesticide dispersal unit at the DOD Aerial Spray Course.  Served as Contracting Officer's Representative for the development of a delousing nozzle for backpack sprayers.  Presented research finding at meetings of scientific groups and published reports in scientific and technical journals.

 May 83 - Jun 86:

Biological Research Assistant, Military Disease Hazards Branch, Field Medical Material Development Division, U.S. Army Biomedical Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Detrick, MD  21701-5010.  Conducted laboratory studies involving the control of mosquito larvae and performed engineering evaluations of pest management equipment.  Developed proficient skill for using microbiological techniques and rearing seven mosquito species.  Designed unique test apparatus for evaluation of new biological agents for the control of mosquito larvae.  Collected and collated data for analysis.


   Date of birth:  17 September 1960

   Marital status:  Married; one child (born 1993)

   Nationality:  U.S. Citizen

 PATENT: Boobar LR, Sardelis MR, Brown WM III.  Collapsible Insect Trap.

     Patent Number: 4,788,789.  Dated:  December 6, 1988.


 Sardelis MR, Dohm DJ, Pagac B, Andre RG, Turell.  2002.  Experimental transmission of eastern equine encephalitis virus by Ochlerotatus j. japonicus (Diptera:  Culicidae).  J Med Entomol  (In press).

 Turell MJ, Sardelis MR, Dohm DJ, O'Guinn ML.  2001.  Potential North American vectors of West Nile virus. Ann N Y Acad Sci  951:317-324.

 Sardelis MR, Turell MJ, Dohm DJ, O’Guinn ML.  2001.  Vector competence of selected North American Culex and Coquillettidia mosquitoes for West Nile virus.  Emerg Infect Dis 7:1006-1010.

 Sardelis MR, Turell MJ.  2001.  Ochlerotatus j. japonicus in Frederick County, Maryland:  Discovery, distribution, and vector competence for West Nile virus. J Am Mosq Control Assoc  17:137-141.

 Fonseca DM, Campbell S, Crans WJ, Mogi M, Miyagi I, Toma T, Bullians M, Andreadis TG, Berry RL, Pagac B, Sardelis MR, Wilkerson RC.  2001.  Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae), a newly recognized mosquito in the United States: analyses of genetic variation in the United States and putative source populations. J Med Entomol 38:135-46.

 Sardelis MR, Edelman R, Klein TA, Innis BL, Putnak JR, Jones JW, Turell MJ.  2000.  Limited potential for transmission of live dengue virus vaccine candidates by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.  Am J Trop Med Hyg  62:698-701.

 Turell MJ, Jones JW, Sardelis MR, Dohm DJ, Coleman RE, Watts DM, Fernandez R, Calampa C, Klein TA.  2000.  Vector competence of Peruvian mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) for epizootic and enzootic strains of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus.  J Med Entomol  37:835-9.

 Kim HC, Lee KW, Robert LL, Sardelis MR, Chase FE.  1995.  Seasonal prevalence of mosquitoes collected from light traps in Korea (1991-1992).  Korean J Entomol  25:225-34.

 Perich MJ, Tidwell MA, Dobson SE, Sardelis MR, Zaglul A, Williams DC.  1993.  Barrier spraying to control the malaria vector Anopheles albimanus: laboratory and field evaluation in the Dominican Republic.  Med Vet Entomol  7:363-8.

 Solberg VB, Neidhardt K, Sardelis MR, Hoffmann FJ, Stevenson R, Boobar LR, Harlan HJ.  1992.  Field evaluations of two formulations of cyfluthrin for control of Ixodes dammini and Amblyomma americanum (Acari:  Ixodidae).  J Med Entomol  29:634-638.

 Solberg, VB, Neidhardt K, Sardelis MR, Hildebrandt C, Hoffmann FJ, Boobar LR.  1992.  Quantitative evaluation of sampling methods for Ixodes dammini and Amblyomma americanum (Acari:  Ixodidae).  J Med Entomol  29:451-456.

 Perich MJ, Tidwell MA, Williams DC, Sardelis MR, Pena CJ, Mandeville D, Boobar LR.  1990.  Comparison of ground and aerial ultra-low volume applications of malathion against Aedes aegypti in Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc  6:1-6.

 Sardelis MR, Misch DW, Boobar LR.  1989.  An improved semi-micro manipulator for precise injection into mosquito larvae.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc  5:601-602.

 Sardelis MR, Neidhardt K, Perich MJ, Milstrey EG, Harlan HJ, Boobar LR.  1989.  Reduction of the Amblyomma americanum (Acari:  Ixodidae) population at Fort A. P. Hill, Virginia, by aerial application of diazinon granules:  Correlation of percentage control with received dose.  J Med Entomol  26:494-496.

 Darby WM, Boobar LR, Sardelis MR.  1988.  A method for dispersing planaria (Dugisia dorotocephala) for mosquito control.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc  4:545-546.

 Boobar LR, Sardelis MR, Nelson JH, Brown III WM.  1987.  A new type of collapsible insect-surveillance light trap for sampling Diptera.  Med Vet Entomol  1:215-218.

 Boobar LR, Nelson JH, Anderson LM, Sardelis MR.  1986.  A BASIC program for analysis of droplet size distribution in insecticide sprays.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc  2:229-231.

 Sardelis MR, Boobar LR.  1986.  Pesticide Dispersal Unit (PDU) Multicapability, Helicopter Slung.  Army Sci Confer Proceedings, 17-19 June.  4:33-39.