Name: Willie Kipkemboi Sang
Address: Center for Microbiology Research
PO Box 548
PO Box 1414
Date of Birth: 20 December 1955
1977 – Sept 1978 Lubbock University (USA)
Pre-Med Studies
Sept 1978-1981
Texas Tech University
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
Minor Biochemistry
36 hours Food Technology
Master of Science in Medical Microbiology. The curriculum emphasized on medical bacteriology, Virology and mycology.
Research activity on molecular analysis of enteric pathogens using PCR technique.
Feb 1994 – June 1994 Osaka Medical School, Institute of Bacteriology and Serology
Analysis of bacterial toxins using PCR and Oligo nucleotides probes and gene sequencing
1995 – May 1999 Prince
Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerpen Belgium
Diploma – Epidemiology & Biostatics.
April 1996 Certificate Intensive Course: Advanced methods in epidemiological research.
Additional Skills: The use of computer software such as EPI-INFO, Word-Perfect5.1, Harvard Graphics, Minitab and Egrel.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Swahili
Date of Employment:
17 May 1984 Assistant Research Officer
19 Oct 1989 Upgraded to Research Officer
1 July 1996 Upgraded to Senior Research Officer
Present Position: 1996 to date – Senior Research Officer, CMR
1990 to date:
Core investigator for Center for Microbiology Research on KEMRI/JICA diarrhea project at Malindi
Co-ordinate the field and central operations of Malindi Project
Supervision of technical staff and field workers in the Project
Training technical staff in new diagnostic techniques on diarrhoeal agents
Developed the research protocol for Malindi project
Head of the KEMRI/JICA Workshop on current diagnostic methods of bacterial diarrhoeal agent set for 26 July 1993
Teach both technical staff and research officers at CMR, the cell culture techniques for toxin assays in pathogenic bacteria.
Work Done:
Toxin assay for bacterial enteric pathogen using Y1 mouse adrenal cell line for detection of heat labile (LT)
enterotoxin. Tested for bacterial invasiveness by using cell line Hep-2, of larynx, ATCC NO. CCL23.
was mostly applicable for the Entero-invesive E. coli and Shigella
The tissue culture test for adhesion of enteric bacteria that has mechanism of attaching and effacing the epithelial cells
The detection of entero-hemorrhagic E. coli by vero cell line
Application of DNA probes to investigate the virulence factors associated with the diarrhoel agents isolated from the
The plasmid analysis of identified bacterial strains that ate pathogenic, in order to give us useful information on antibiotic
resistance pattern.
Used the modern advanced technique, the polymarase chain reaction as a confirmatory method for all the
suspected enteric pathogens.
Isolated and reported the first case of entero-hemorragic E. coli 0157.H7 from a patient at Kitui Hospital.
This was followed by other two cases one from IDH Kenyatta and another from Malindi Hospital. These
strains were recently discovered in Canada, and USA. This was probably the first report from Africa.
The isolation of verotoxin producing E. coli of different serotypes from the already known serotypes
The isolation of strains that carry all the pathogenic factors e.g. heat labile toxin (LT), heat stable (ST) verotoxin (VT) Attaching to HEP2 to date such strains have not been documented
The investigation and
identification of the source of infection on the outbreak of cholera in refugee
camp at Marafa, Kilifi, in June 1994
Organized an etiologic study of childhood diarrhea in Malindi, Kenya. A proposal presented on “The spread of multi-drug Resistant Streptococcus Pneumoniae among hospitalized children in Nairobi, Kenya
Present Research Activities:
To investigate the virulence factors associated with enteric bacterial pathogens other than that we know.
To look more into the extent of entero-hemorrhagic E. coli 0157.H7
Examine food, water and environment of the patients admitted with diarrhea in order to establish the source of infection.
New and re-emerging diseases bacterial in particular.
Management of opportunistic infections in AIDS patients.
Analyzing the bacterial virulence factors of vibrio and salmonella dysentery that led to the death of 59 people at refugee camps in Kenya.
Epidemiological Studies
Screening tests and their validation
Methods of standardization.
The organization and design of survey.
Questionnaire design
Data checking and processing
Survey analysis
Epidemics and outbreaks
Surveillance systems
Risk estimation and high risk groups
Descriptive and inferential statistics
Elaboration of research proposals
Epidemiologist of T
Linear regression analysis
Causal model
Survival analysis
Stratified analysis
Control for confounders
Qualitative methods in health research.
Honors and Awards:
1978 Who’s Who’s in American Colleges & Universities
International Conferences, Workshops and
The Management Workshop Consortium for International Development. 1983, Lubbock, Texas, USA.
Delegate from London School, The Global Impact of AIDS Conference, London 1988.
Presented a paper at The International Congress for Infectious Diseases, Nairobi Kenya 1992.
The Annual Medical Scientific Conferences of KEMRI/KETRI for years 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992 & 1993 p73
The Annual Conference of
Taxonomy in Nara, Japan. October
The World Conference of Taxonomy at Riken Institute in Tokyo, December 1993.
The Asian Conference on Infectious Diseases, Tokyo Japan, March 1994
The etiology of childhood diarrhea: a community based study in Malindi, Kenya, W .K. Sang, Iijima, A.K Mwangudza, J. K. Mwituria, S. M. Saidi, J.O. Oundo, P. A. Waiyaki & T. Honda. 19th African Health Sciences Congress in Arusha, Tanzania 1998.
International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases. July 16th –19th 2000 Atlanta, Georgia USA
Presentation: Verocytotoxin production and presence of verotoxin genes in strain of Escherichia coli and Shigella isolates from feces of diarrhoeal patients at Machakos District Hospital in Kenya. Sang, Willie; Davis, Jon; Smoak Bonnie. 4th International Symposium and Workshop on Shigatoxin (Verocytotoxin) Producing Escherichia coli infections. Oct 29 to Nov 2- 2000 Kyoto, Japan.
Presentation: Shigatoxin producing Strains of Escherichia coli Isolated from the Masai people in Southern Kenya. J.M Davis, W.K Sang (ASM conference Orlando Florida USA May 20th –24th, 2001).
Publications and Reports
1985 W. Sang, J. Ngugi, F.C. Sang, P.G. Waiyaki. Escherichia coli Serogroups Associated with Acute Childhood Diarrhea in Mombasa, Kenya. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Scientific Conference 1985 Pg 12
1986 W.K. Sang, A. Kibue, K. Furuse. Isolation and Characterization of Aeromonas Phages from Water Samples in Kenya. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Scientific Conference 1986 Pg 143.
1991 W. Sang. AIDS as a Global Tool of Racism and Sexism Towards the African and other Minority Groups. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Scientific Conferences 1991 Pg 73 (Considered for publication by media)
W. K. Sang, J. M. Mwangi, J. Oundo, S. M. Saidi. The Virulence Factors of Escherichia coli Associated with Childhood Diarrhea in Nakuru Hospital and Langa Langa Clinic – Nakuru District of Kenya. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Scientific Conferences 1991
W. K. Sang, J. O. Outdo, S. M. Saudi, J. K. Kamala
The isolation of Enter Hemorrhagic Escherichia coli 0157 H7 from
Childhood Diarrhea in Malindi, Kitui and Kenyatta IDH Hospitals. Presented at
KEMRI/KETRI Conference 1993 p73
W. K. Sang, J. O. Oundo, S. M. Saidi, Plasmid Mediated Multi-Drug resistance Enterobacteria Isolated Infantile Diarrhea in Three Districts of Kenya.
P. G. Waiyaki, J. M.
Ngugi, W. K. Sang, C. Ichoroh
Isolation of Entero-Pathogens from Community Sources in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Proceeding of the 6th Annual Scientific Conference, 1985
M. A. Kibue, P. G. Waiyaki, W. K. Sang, K. Furuse
A Great Teacher: 100 Years Since Koch’s Discovery
Proceeding of the 7th Annual Scientific Conference
J. O. Oundo, S. M. Saidi, Y. Yamakawa, W. K. Sang, A. Mwangudza. Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of Antibiotics against Bacteria Associated with Childhood Diarrhea in Children Attending a District Hospital in Kenya. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Scientific Conference Pg 62 1992.
S. Saidi, J. Oundo, A. Mwangudza, W. K. Sang, J. Khamala, M. Masudi. An etiological Agents of Diarrhea in Children Living in a Malaria Endemic Area of Kenya.
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Scientific Conference PG 62 1992.
F. C. Sang, S. K. Kagethe, V. A. Orinda, W. K. Sang, R. E. Black, P.G. WaiyakiEscherichia coli Associated with Acute Measles and Diarrhea at Kenyatta National Hospitals, Kenya East African Medical Journal March 1992.
K. Fujita, M. Kaku, Y.
Yanagase, T. Ezaki, S. M. Saidi, W. K. Sang, P. G. Waiyaki
L. C. Bebora, H. Yamamoto, W. K. Sang, J. Oundo, J. Khamala, A. Mwangudza, P. W. Mukundi. Plasmid Profiles of E. coli, Salmonella and Shigella organisms isolated in Kenya. East Africa Medical Journal Vol., 71 No.10 Oct 1994
W. K. Sang, S. M. Saidi, H. Yamamoto, T. Ezaki, T. Iida, M. Yogh, T. Honda. Hemorrhagic Colitis due to Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Kenya.Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol., 42 April 1996.
W. K. Sang, T. Lida, H. Yamamoto, S. M. Saidi, M. Yoh, P. G. Waiyaki, T. Ezaki, T. Honda. Prevalence of Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli in Kenyan Children, J Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1996 Sep: 14(3): 216-217.
W. K. Sang, J. O. Oundo, J K Mwituria, P. G. Waiyaki, M. Yoh, T. Iida, T. Honda Multidrug-Resistant Entero-aggregative Escherichia coli Associated with Persistent Diarrhea in Kenyan Children. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 1997: 3 (3).
Epidemiological Study on Infectious Diarrhea. Diseases in Children in a Coastal Rural Area of Kenya. S. M. Saidi, Y. Lijima, W. K. Sang, A. K. Mwangudza, J. O. Oundo, K. Taga, P. G. Waiyaki, and T. Honda. Microbial. Immunology. 41 (10), 773-778, 1997
Detection of PCR Products of the ipaH Gene from Shigella and Entero-invasive Escherichia coli by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. O. Senthabutr, M. Venkatesan, S. Yam, L. W. Pang, B. L. Smoak, W. K. Sang, P. Escheverria, D. N. Taylor, D. W. Isenbarger. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 37(2000); 11-16.
Characterization of First Isolates of Shigella Dysenteriae type 12 from East Africa.Willie K. Sang, Jon M. Davis, Bonnie L. Smoak. (The paper has been approved by CMR Scientific Review Committee to be forwarded to KEMRI Scientific Committee) (2001).
and Responsibilities
A member of KEMRI Training committee
Principal Investigator of the CMR/MRU Enteric project
Acting for CMR head at KEMRI headquarters
Head of CMR Bacteriology Laboratory at KEMRI headquarters.