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What's on this week!28tht - 3rd August,    July 30, 2002


GEIS News:

Began collecting malaria specimens at the Korogocho Clinic.

Received two samples of CSF for viral PCR from South Sudan on 2 young children who were suffering fever and seizures following polio immunization.

Protocol Status
  • WRAIR 963 – Fever Illness:  Received KEMRI final approval.  Underwent review by MRMC HSRRB on 10 July.
    WRAIR 964 – Enterics: Continuing to revise to meet requirements of WRAIR SSC.
  • WRAIR 980 – Malaria: Received KEMRI final approval.  Received comments from WRAIR SRC.  Revisions made and resubmitted.

  • WRIAR 682 – Adult Malaria Protocol: Began performing surveillance under this protocol (see #1 above).  Filed annual progress report with KEMRI.  Copy sent to ORM at WRAIR.


The USAMRU-K Web page is being scrubbed of all identifying data, including CVs, email addresses, names, and photographs.

Traveled to Kisumu, Busia, Mumias, and Eldoret to begin the process of establishing surveillance sites.

Received request from WHO to support investigation of Ebola in S. Sudan.  By-name request made for Clayton Onyango, who has worked on similar investigations in S. Sudan previously.  We will comply with this request.


GEIS Coordinato







RV 142, WRAIR no 855, KEMRI SSC no.590 "HIV and Malaria Cohort Study Among Plantation Workers and Adult Dependants in Kericho, Kenya" has been approved by the WRAIR Scientific Review Committee and Human Use Review Committee. We expect enrollment to commence in September 2002.

We celebrated the graduation of two of our lab staff from Eldoret Polytechnic.Fredrick Waga and Francis Ochieng who studied Medical Laboratory Technology are the first HIV Program sponsored trainees to graduate. Congratulations!!!!.

Another congratulatory message goes to Evelyn and Paul Ngetich on the birth of their daughter Chepchirchir born on Friday 26th July 2002. Evelyn is a counsellor and Field Assistant with the HIV program.

On the visitors section, we received Dr. Joseph Chiu from the NIH, Vaccine Clinical Research Branch and Dr. Merlin Robb.

 Dr.Gina Foglia & Lilian Langat



Molecular Parasitology Meeting XIII.
September 22-26, 2002

Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, MA
(visit this link for more information:)