Selected Publications:
Linthicum, K. J., F. G. Davies, A. Kairo, and C. L. Bailey. 1985.
Rift Valley fever virus (family Bunyaviridae, genus Phlebovirus).
Isolations from Diptera collected during an inter-epizootic period in
Kenya. J Hyg (Lond) 95: 197-209.
Beier, J. C., P. V. Perkins, R. A. Wirtz, R. E. Whitmire, M. Mugambi,
and W. T. Hockmeyer. 1987. Field evaluation of an enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite
detection in anopheline mosquitoes from Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 36:
Gargan, T. P., 2nd, P. G. Jupp, and R. J. Novak. 1988. Panveld
oviposition sites of floodwater Aedes mosquitoes and attempts to detect
transovarial transmission of Rift Valley fever virus in South Africa.
Med Vet Entomol 2: 231-6.
Linthicum, K. J., C. L. Bailey, F. G. Davies, A. Kairo, and T. M.
Logan. 1988. The horizontal distribution of Aedes pupae and their
subsequent adults within a flooded dambo in Kenya: implications for Rift
Valley fever virus control. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 4: 551-4.
Gargan, T. P., 2nd, C. W. Kamau, P. C. Thande, and J. N. Wagateh.
1989. Gynandromorph of Aedes mcintoshi from central Kenya. J Am Mosq
Control Assoc 5: 599-600.
Linthicum, K. J., T. M. Logan, P. C. Thande, J. N. Wagateh, C. W.
Kamau, C. L. Bailey, F. G. Davies, and J. P. Kondig. 1989. Efficacy
of a sustained-release methoprene formulation on potential vectors of
Rift Valley fever virus in field studies in Kenya. J Am Mosq Control
Assoc 5: 603-5.
Beier, J. C., P. V. Perkins, J. K. Koros, F. K. Onyango, T. P. Gargan,
R. A. Wirtz, D. K. Koech, and C. R. Roberts. 1990. Malaria
sporozoite detection by dissection and ELISA to assess infectivity of
afrotropical Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol 27: 377-84.
Beier, J. C., P. V. Perkins, F. K. Onyango, T. P. Gargan, C. N. Oster,
R. E. Whitmire, D. K. Koech, and C. R. Roberts. 1990.
Characterization of malaria transmission by Anopheles (Diptera:
Culicidae) in western Kenya in preparation for malaria vaccine trials. J
Med Entomol 27: 570-7.
Linthicum, K. J., C. L. Bailey, C. J. Tucker, K. D. Mitchell, T. M.
Logan, F. G. Davies, C. W. Kamau, P. C. Thande, and J. N. Wagateh. 1990.
Application of polar-orbiting, meteorological satellite data to detect
flooding of Rift Valley Fever virus vector mosquito habitats in Kenya.
Med Vet Entomol 4: 433-8.
Logan, T. M., K. J. Linthicum, J. N. Wagateh, P. C. Thande, C. W.
Kamau, and C. R. Roberts. 1990. Pretreatment of floodwater Aedes
habitats (dambos) in Kenya with a sustained-release formulation of
methoprene. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 6: 736-8.
Beier, J. C., F. K. Onyango, J. K. Koros, M. Ramadhan, R. Ogwang, R.
A. Wirtz, D. K. Koech, and C. R. Roberts. 1991. Quantitation of
malaria sporozoites transmitted in vitro during salivation by wild
Afrotropical Anopheles. Med Vet Entomol 5: 71-9.
Beier, J. C., F. K. Onyango, M. Ramadhan, J. K. Koros, C. M. Asiago,
R. A. Wirtz, D. K. Koech, and C. R. Roberts. 1991. Quantitation of
malaria sporozoites in the salivary glands of wild Afrotropical
Anopheles. Med Vet Entomol 5: 63-70.
Lawyer, P. G., Y. B. Mebrahtu, P. M. Ngumbi, P. Mwanyumba, J. Mbugua,
G. Kiilu, D. Kipkoech, J. Nzovu, and C. O. Anjili. 1991. Phlebotomus
guggisbergi (Diptera: Psychodidae), a vector of Leishmania tropica in
Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 44: 290-8.
Lawyer, P. G., E. D. Rowton, P. V. Perkins, R. N. Johnson, and D. G.
Young. 1991. Recent advances in laboratory mass rearing of
phlebotomine sand flies. Parassitologia 33 Suppl: 361-4.
Logan, T. M., K. J. Linthicum, F. G. Davies, Y. S. Binepal, and C. R.
Roberts. 1991. Isolation of Rift Valley fever virus from mosquitoes
(Diptera: Culicidae) collected during an outbreak in domestic animals in
Kenya. J Med Entomol 28: 293-5.
Logan, T. M., K. J. Linthicum, P. C. Thande, J. N. Wagateh, G. O.
Nelson, and C. R. Roberts. 1991. Egg hatching of Aedes mosquitoes
during successive floodings in a Rift Valley fever endemic area in
Kenya. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 7: 109-12.
Logan, T. M., K. J. Linthicum, P. C. Thande, J. N. Wagateh, and C. R.
Roberts. 1991. Mosquito species collected from a marsh in western
Kenya during the long rains. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 7: 395-9.
Logan, T. M., F. G. Davies, K. J. Linthicum, and T. G. Ksiazek. 1992.
Rift Valley fever antibody in human sera collected after an outbreak in
domestic animals in Kenya. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 86: 202-3.
Ngumbi, P. M., P. G. Lawyer, R. N. Johnson, G. Kiilu, and C. Asiago.
1992. Identification of phlebotomine sandfly bloodmeals from Baringo
District, Kenya, by direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Med Vet Entomol 6: 385-8.
Johnson, R. N., P. M. Ngumbi, L. L. Robert, C. O. Anjili, R. Killick-Kendrick,
and S. E. Meredith. 1993. Phlebotomine sandflies of Kenya (Diptera:
Psychodidae). II. Phlebotomus aculeatus as a probable vector of
Leishmania tropica s.l. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 87: 541-3.
Killick-Kendrick, R., M. Killick-Kendrick, Y. Tang, D. K. Sang, R. N.
Johnson, and P. M. Ngumbi. 1993. Phlebotomine sandflies of Kenya (Diptera:
Psychodidae). I. The validity of Phlebotomus (Larroussius) elgonensis
Ngoka, Madel and Mutinga. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 87: 207-15.
Whittle, R. K., K. J. Linthicum, P. C. Thande, J. N. Wagati, C. M.
Kamau, and C. R. Roberts. 1993. Effect of controlled burning on
survival of floodwater Aedes eggs in Kenya. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 9:
Beier, J. C., C. N. Oster, F. K. Onyango, J. D. Bales, J. A.
Sherwood, P. V. Perkins, D. K. Chumo, D. V. Koech, R. E. Whitmire, C. R.
Roberts, and et al. 1994. Plasmodium falciparum incidence relative
to entomologic inoculation rates at a site proposed for testing malaria
vaccines in western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 50: 529-36.
Killick-Kendrick, R., Y. Tang, M. Killick-Kendrick, R. N. Johnson, P.
M. Ngumbi, D. K. Sang, and P. G. Lawyer. 1994. Phlebotomine
sandflies of Kenya (Diptera: Psychodidae). III. The identification and
distribution of species of the subgenus Larroussius. Ann Trop Med
Parasitol 88: 183-96.
Robert, L. L., K. U. Schaefer, and R. N. Johnson. 1994.
Phlebotomine sandflies associated with households of human visceral
leishmaniasis cases in Baringo District, Kenya. Ann Trop Med Parasitol
88: 649-57.
Walker, T. W., L. L. Robert, R. A. Copeland, A. K. Githeko, R. A.
Wirtz, J. I. Githure, and T. A. Klein. 1996. Field evaluation of
arthropod repellents, deet and a piperidine compound, AI3-37220, against
Anopheles funestus and Anopheles arabiensis in western Kenya. J Am Mosq
Control Assoc 12: 172-6.
Killick-Kendrick, R., Y. Tang, R. N. Johnson, P. M. Ngumbi, and L. L.
Robert. 1997. Phlebotomine sandflies of Kenya (Diptera: Psychodidae).
V. Phlebotomus (Paraphlebotomus) mireillae n.sp. Ann Trop Med Parasitol
91: 417-28.
Johnson, R. N., P. G. Lawyer, P. M. Ngumbi, Y. B. Mebrahtu, J. P.
Mwanyumba, N. C. Mosonik, S. J. Makasa, J. I. Githure, and C. R.
Roberts. 1999. Phlebotomine sand fly (Diptera: Psychodidae) seasonal
distribution and infection rates in a defined focus of Leishmania
tropica. Am J Trop Med Hyg 60: 854-8.
Linthicum, K. J., A. Anyamba, C. J. Tucker, P. W. Kelley, M. F.
Myers, and C. J. Peters. 1999. Climate and Satellite Indicators to
Forecast Rift Valley Fever Epidemics in Kenya. Science 285: 397-400.
Jupp, P. G., A. A. Grobbelaar, P. A. Leman, A. Kemp, R. F. Dunton, T.
R. Burkot, T. G. Ksiazek, and R. Swanepoel. 2000. Experimental
detection of Rift Valley fever virus by reverse transcription-polymerase
chain reaction assay in large samples of mosquitoes. J Med Entomol 37:
Murphy, M. W., R. F. Dunton, M. J. Perich, and W. A. Rowley. 2001.
Attraction of Anopheles (Diptera: culicidae) to volatile chemicals in
Western Kenya. J Med Entomol 38: 242-4.
Ryan, J. R., K. Dav, E. Emmerich, L. Garcia, L. Yi, R. E. Coleman, J.
Sattabongkot, R. F. Dunton, A. S. Chan, and R. A. Wirtz. 2001.
Dipsticks for rapid detection of plasmodium in vectoring anopheles
mosquitoes. Med Vet Entomol 15: 225-30.
Ryan, J. R., K. Dave, K. M. Collins, L. Hochberg, J. Sattabongkot, R.
E. Coleman, R. F. Dunton, M. J. Bangs, C. M. Mbogo, R. D. Cooper, G. B.
Schoeler, Y. Rubio-Palis, M. Magris, L. I. Romer, N. Padilla, I. A.
Quakyi, J. Bigoga, R. G. Leke, O. Akinpelu, B. Evans, M. Walsey, P.
Patterson, R. A. Wirtz, and A. S. Chan. 2002. Extensive multiple
test centre evaluation of the VecTest malaria antigen panel assay. Med
Vet Entomol 16: 321-7.
Luckhart, S., K. Li, R. Dunton, E. E. Lewis, A. L. Crampton, J. R.
Ryan, and R. Rosenberg. 2003. Anopheles gambiae immune gene variants
associated with natural Plasmodium infection. Mol Biochem Parasitol 128:
Macaluso, K. R., J. Davis, U. Alam, A. Korman, J. S. Rutherford, R.
Rosenberg, and A. F. Azad. 2003. Spotted fever group rickettsiae in
ticks from the Masai Mara region of Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 68: 551-3.
Ryan, J. R., J. Mbui, J. R. Rashid, M. K. Wasunna, G. Kirigi, C.
Magiri, D. Kinoti, P. M. Ngumbi, S. K. Martin, S. O. Odera, L. P.
Hochberg, C. T. Bautista, and A. S. Chan. 2006. Spatial clustering
and epidemiological aspects of visceral leishmaniasis in two endemic
villages, Baringo District, Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg 74: 308-17.