Online Transaction Processing Systems
The Web Based WRP Online Library:
In an effort to reduce information overload, commonly cited as the main
disadvantage of the Internet other than security, we have an Intranet site
that holds indexed and searchable journals and articles relevant to our
course. Articles come from both commercial and free sources either in print
or electronic format. They are regulated, scanned, cataloged, and indexed
into the electronic database using Reference Manager (™). Through
an in-house web interface, scientists search and find articles relevant to
current and potential protocols.
Walter Reed Inventory
Management & Procurement System (WRIMPS): WRIMPS,
commissioned by the Commander USAMRU-K in 2005, is a web based application
used across USAMRU-Kenya to provide transparent authorization approval of
orders by the Principal Investigators and to track orders and accompanying
financial approvals. Developed in-house, this complex system has streamlined
the procurement process, revolutionized the inventory management procedures
and provided efficiency in the Procurement
Purchase and installation of new server hardware
Installation of satellite dish at Kondele unit for
internet access
Wiring of the new clinic and installation of
network equipment
Migration of users and old IT equipment from
Kisian to New Nyanza
Set up internet and email services and migration
of domains from to new domain
Installation of microwave link at the guest house
Implementation of the online procurement system.